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Author: ihadminram


The well of Rawha

The Well of Rawḥā, also known as Bir Rawḥā, is a historic well located in the desert of western Saudi Arabia. It is situated on

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Wadi E Jin

Wadi E Jin, also known as Wadi al-Jinn, is a valley located in the Hijaz region of Saudi Arabia, near the city of Madinah. It

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Masjid Al Dirar In Madina

Masjid Al-Dirar is a mosque that was built during the time of the Prophet Muhammad in the city of Medina, Saudi Arabia. It was initially

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Uhud Mountain

Uhud Mountain is a mountain located in the city of Medina, in western Saudi Arabia. It is known for its historical significance in Islam, as

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Masjid al-Qiblatain

Masjid al-Qiblatain is a mosque located in Medina, Saudi Arabia. The name “al-Qiblatain” means “the mosque with two qiblas” in Arabic, referring to the fact

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Masjid Quba Madina

Masjid Quba is a mosque located in the city of Medina, in Saudi Arabia. It is considered one of the oldest and most significant mosques

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Jannatul Baqi

Jannatul Baqi, also known as the Baqi Al Gharqad, is a cemetery located in Medina, Saudi Arabia. It is one of the most significant Islamic

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