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Making Pilgrimage With Children

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Performing Hajj/Umrah with family especially children is one of the most memorable experiences of life one can have provided it has been well planned and prepared with all necessary rather extra precautions to avoid any inconvenience and discomfort during the trip.

Read out books about pilgrimage to your children and guide them about rites of Hajj and Umrah. You can also make them learn easy and short duas by rehearsing with them.

Be well prepared for the heat and waiting hours during travel keeping some stuff like manipulative toys or small and short story books or comic books if your child likes to read to keep them engaged during the time which can be a total mess if not planned appropriately. Keeping snacks of their liking is a must of course!

Packing appropriately is the key to a peaceful journey with kids. You must include:

  • Children Ihram (one extra for each child)
  • Wristbands or straps.
  • ID badges or cards to be worn around neck with their names, hotel name and contact number.
  • Slippers/ flipflops, sunscreen, hats, diapers, and wipes for little ones.
  • Any energy bars or snacks of their liking. Chocolates or any other such snacks shall be avoided as they get sticky in heat.
  • All necessary daily medication including petroleum jelly like Vaseline for boys to be used between legs in ihram.
  • A rucksack bag for your daily visit to Haram where your child may need light snacks, a small bottle of milk or formula, water bottle, diapers or pull ups, wipes and nappy creams. You can also carry a lightweight prayer mat in your rucksack which may be helpful when your child needs a nap and the floor may be hot during daytime or cold if you are inside the masjid.
  • A small cozy blanket or fleece for your little one would be of great help inside Haram as the so powerful air conditioning system inside Haram is sometimes unbearable for little children.

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