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Gates of Masjid al-Haram in Makkah

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The Masjid al-Haram in Makkah, also known as the Grand Mosque, is the holiest site in Islam and is visited by millions of Muslims from around the world every year for the Hajj pilgrimage and Umrah. The mosque complex includes several gates, each with its own unique name and historical significance.

Here are some of the most notable gates of Masjid al-Haram in Makkah:

  1. Bab as-Salam (Gate of Peace): This gate is located on the eastern side of the mosque and is the main entrance for those performing the Hajj and Umrah. It is also the gate that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) entered through when he conquered Makkah.
  2. Bab al-Umrah (Gate of Umrah): This gate is located on the western side of the mosque and is the main entrance for those performing the Umrah pilgrimage.
  3. Bab al-Fatah (Gate of Victory): This gate is located on the northwestern side of the mosque and was named in honor of the Muslim conquest of Makkah in 630 CE.
  4. Bab Ali (Gate of Ali): This gate is located on the northeastern side of the mosque and is named after Ali ibn Abi Talib, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
  5. Bab an-Nabi (Gate of the Prophet): This gate is located on the north side of the mosque and is named after the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is believed that he used this gate to enter the mosque.
  6. Bab al-Safa (Gate of Safa): This gate is located on the eastern side of the mosque and is named after the nearby hill of Safa, which is part of the ritual of the Hajj and Umrah.

There are several other gates in the mosque complex, each with its own unique name and historical significance. These gates are not only functional entrances to the mosque but also serve as important landmarks and reminders of the rich history and culture of Islam.

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